Friday, June 26, 2009

fuzível mitológico derretendo

Ethan Zuckerman, do Berkman Center for Internet and Society da Universidade de Harvard - "Da sua conta @EthanZ "tuitou" que Jackson tinha passado as eleições iranianas e a gripe e escreveu: "os meus scripts de pesquisa veêm que aproximadamente 15% de todos os posts no Twitter mencionam Michael Jackson. Nunca vira o Irão ou a gripe passarem os 5%". Zuckerman foi citado pelo New York Times.


o papel do canário na mina coube ainda à Wikipedia - que permanece como o sítio mais rápido para perceber as alterações no meio ambiente mediático. No Twitter pode-se perceber a extensão dessas alterações e confirmar não apenas a tendência, como as fontes e as informações. O Twitter é, também, um admirável suporte de transmissão da informação, levando-a a todo o lado, incluindo os meios incapazes, por natureza, de compreender a especificidade da Wikipedia. A velocidade e a elasticidade do Twitter derrotaram a Google enquanto eixo municiador das multidões de editores profissionais e amadores que hoje compõem os media globais. E isto apesar dos problemas técnicos do serviço, que também teve "apagões" durante as cinco horas piores da notícia da morte de Michael Jackson e acabou mesmo por desactivar parcialmente a pesquisa, que durante horas respondeu com atrasos de 10 e 20 minutos.

frob de inderdet: expresso

Thursday, June 25, 2009

vladimir propp - padrões dos contos russos


"A post-structuralist view is that male can be seen, according to traditional Western thought, as dominant over female because male is the presence of a phallus, while the vagina is an absence or loss" - pfsfsf. Those were the times.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Filosofia analítica é filosofia continental

"I wanted also to present a talk at the philosophy department on the comparison between category theory and set theory as foundations of mathematics which would include comments on Bourbaki and universal algebra. But D. A. Martin told me that it would be a mess because on one hand people of the philosophy department would not understand the talk due to their very poor knowledge of this matter and on the other hand only «big names» were able to attract people in a lecture at this department. I realized therefore that analytic philosophy was not so much different than continental philosophy in the sense that in both cases the man is more important that the stuff he is speaking about. The argumentation of the analytic philosopher is not enough rigorous to have a value by its own, independently of who expresses it, as it may happen in mathematics. I realized also that analytic philosophers were using terms from logic without knowing their exact technical meanings, and that therefore they were speaking rather metaphorically, in a way not so much different to Lacan, Deleuze or Derrida" (J.Y. Beziau)